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UPDATE dd 14 mei 2020 Beste aankomende studenten en geïnteresseerden in de BiA Doula Training, ==see below for English== We hebben contact gehad met de Rijksoverheid en de Kamer van koophandel en goedkeuring gekregen om ons ...

BiA Doula Training continues to experience a steady growth as the demand for doulas is increasing and more and more people choose for this beautiful profession. So much so that we are even planning an extra Foundation Training this September. In order to maintain a high quality of training and mento...

From June 1st 2018, JJ Doula Training will be renamed BiA Doula Training. JJ Doula Training was founded in 2012, under the inspiring and pioneering spirit of Jacky Bloemraad-de Boer, doula, midwife, TCM practitioner and nutritionist, and Jennifer Walker, doula and Spinning Babies approved trainer. I...

Happy, proud and excited to present the new logo for BiA Doula training! BiA is an acronym for Being in Action. This is one of the core principals we teach in our training. The foundation skill of a doula is to be present, in her own body, in the space, with the woman and her partner, with the pr...


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Get In Touch

You can contact us using the details below. Alternatively, fill in your details in the form and we will be in touch.

Training Location:

Bert Haanstrakade 102, 1087 DN Amsterdam. The Netherlands.

Correspondence Address:

Molenstraat 54, 4201 CZ Gorinchem. The Netherlands.


Phone: 06-47968009
