Advanced BiA Doula Training at a glance
Topics covered in the BiA Doula Advanced Training:
- Prenatal appointments
- Released waters and no contractions / going past 42 weeks
- Induction and augmentation of labour
- Anatomy / mechanics of childbirth review
- When birth is taking twists and turns: not-engaged baby, asyncliticism, posterior baby, stalled labour, issues during pushing
- Unexpected outcomes, stillbirth, loss and your role as a doula
- Postpartum appointments – recognising problems, how to close after a birth with unexpected outcome
Hands on / interactive techniques include:
- Bum jiggling
- Foot massage
- Lower back massage
- Acupressure
- Polarity
- Pelvic tilt
- Positions for labour and birth
- Peanut ball
- Case study
- Roleplay
- Active Listening
- Reflection/interaction