Principles of Holding Space for Trauma

Principles of Holding Space for Trauma


The course is accessible for both certified and student midwives, gynaecologists, kraamverzorgenden, doulas, counselors, childbirth educators and bodyworkers.

Payment through the website is possible via iDeal. If you cannot pay via iDeal, please send us an email at:

ALL doula, midwifery, kraamzorg, gynaecology students are welcome to join for the Student Price of €150,-.


Principles of Holding space for trauma: a one day introduction to what trauma informed care is and why it matters

The concept of Trauma Informed Care is getting more attention and importance in all levels of health care. From trauma research there is a growing body of evidence how trauma affects someone’s health, coping mechanisms and how the care someone receives is important for their wellbeing and healing. This is particularly true for people in the full perinatal period, from preconception into the postpartum period and parenthood.

Becoming pregnant, giving birth and having a newborn; each stage has its own challenges and potential triggers for known or unknown trauma that has been stored in the body to possibly be activated. The trauma can vary from single-event trauma, like a car-accident; to complex trauma like sexual abuse, disregulated attachement. During this day we explore and dissect how we would classify birth trauma; as a single event trauma or as complex trauma?
In this one-day introduction workshop we lay out the principles of what trauma is, how it affects the body and mind, why trauma informed care matters and what it in broad lines looks like. You walk away with a clear understanding of the difference between a general mode of listening and being present, to being with someone who holds (disclosed or undisclosed) trauma in their body.
You will have more awareness around the nuances of trauma and trauma informed care, and a good starting point to join the 2-day Holding Space for Trauma – Diving Deeper.

For whom?

The course is accessible for both student and certified professionals: midwives, gynaecologists, kraamverzorgenden, doulas, counselors, childbirth educators and bodyworkers.

Accreditation: NBvD is applied for / Cluster D points for KNOV-members upon receiving certificate of completion (6,5 hours)

Additional information

Price Option

Regular Price €175,-, Student Price €150,-


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Get In Touch

You can contact us using the details below. Alternatively, fill in your details in the form and we will be in touch.

Training Location:

Bert Haanstrakade 102, 1087 DN Amsterdam. The Netherlands.

Correspondence Address:

Molenstraat 54, 4201 CZ Gorinchem. The Netherlands.


Marlies Phielix +31 (0)6 43570505

Joyce Hoek-Pula +31 (0)6 18293941
