Tone up your Pelvic Floor!
Many of us probably experienced it after having given birth, or coming close to menopause: less control over our pelvic floor when we had to laugh / sneeze / pull a sprint to catch the bus… And maybe you’ve told yourself many times ‘I really need to train my pelvic floor’
This is your chance! In this workshop you learn specially developed exercises for a healthy pelvic floor. Promised: no boring kegels, instead: getting to know your own pelvic floor, to feel it, and to cooperate together in doing these ingenious movements and techiques that bring your pelvic floor muscles more in tonus (make them more elastic) and supple. This helps to create more freedom of movement in your pelvis.
The exercises are developed by renowned Françoise Freedman (from BirthLight yoga); the workshop will be taught by Larissa Pietrala: yoga teacher, pregnancy yoga teacher, massage therapist, doula. More information:
Are you looking forward to a pelvic floor that is supple and in tonus? Register for Tone up your Pelvic Floor, for more pleasure and less pee!
For all women, except pregant women, and immediate post partum (up to 6 months)
November 21th, 2019 DUTCH
Time: 1 – 4.30pm
Price: €45,-